Firstly a Bodhisattva, is a Buddhist, who, motivated by great compassion and the fulfillment to reach enlightenment, have generated Bodhicitta, which is a respected wish to attain Buddhahood and enlightenment for the benefit of sentient beings (Ngu, 2001). According to Mahayana Buddhism, a Bodhisattva is one of the four sublime states a human can achieve in life. It is a determination to free sentient beings from samsara and its cycle of death, rebirth and suffering. Achieving enlightenment and the liability to be of as much benefit to all sentient beings, is a strive most Buddhists like to make. Buddhists achieve a Mahayana building up pathway mind when they attain, in addition, unlabored bodhichitta as their primary motivation in life. Bodhisattva, is a very popular achievement in Mahayana Buddhist art, as it encourages everyone to become Bodhisattvas and to take the Bodhisattvas vows, in order to progress on the spiritual path towards Buddhahood (Schober, 1989). With these vows, one makes the promise to work for the complete enlightenment of all sentient beings by practicing the six perfections and completing the fivefold paths. The Buddha spoke of the five paths whereby sentient beings may practice Dharma in accordance with their Karma and capacities. Bodhisattvas follow the Mahayana paths. They vow to liberate all sentient beings, as said before, before attaining their own liberations; enlightenment (Schober, 1989).